Thursday 20 April 2023

Why is My Natural Gas Furnace Blowing Cold Air

During the colder months, a gas furnace is essential for keeping your home warm and comfortable. However, if your furnace is blowing cold air, it can be a frustrating and uncomfortable experience. There are several reasons behind this problem, and it's essential to understand the causes so that you can take the necessary steps to fix the issue.

A gas furnace blowing cold air can indicate a malfunctioning heating system. Your furnace may produce cold air for various reasons, such as lack of maintenance, a faulty thermostat, a pilot light or ignition system issue, dirty burners, or even the wrong furnace size. There could also be an issue with the air ducts or a leak in your home's insulation. Understanding the underlying issue that causes your gas furnace to blow cold air is crucial in ensuring optimal performance and extending lifespan.

In the next sections, we will delve into the various factors that might be causing your natural gas furnace to blow cold air, emphasizing how to mitigate these issues to avoid any problems in the future. So, let's dive right in!

Lack of Maintenance

Lack of maintenance is one of the most common reasons a gas furnace blows cold air. Regular maintenance is essential for furnaces to maintain peak efficiency and provide optimal heating. Over time, dust, debris, and dirt can accumulate, causing a range of issues that can cause the furnace to blow cold air.

The air filter is one of the most critical components of your furnace. Its primary function is to ensure that dirt, debris, and dust particles do not enter your furnace and damage sensitive components. Over time, however, the filter can become clogged, reducing airflow and compromising the unit's efficiency. If the filter becomes too dirty, it can cause the furnace to overheat and shut off, leading to cold air blowing from the vents.

When air filters become clogged, they restrict the amount of air that flows through the furnace. Reduced airflow can lead to overheating and inefficient operation, causing your furnace to operate poorly. A dirty filter might also cause the furnace to work longer to reach the desired temperature, increasing energy bills.

Faulty Thermostat

A faulty thermostat is another common cause of a gas furnace blowing cold air. The thermostat is the brain of your furnace, sending signals to the heating system to regulate indoor temperature. If your thermostat isn't working correctly, it could cause your furnace to malfunction, leading to cold air blowing through your vents.

A faulty thermostat can signal your furnace to turn off before adequately heating your home, resulting in blowing cold air. Additionally, if the wiring in your thermostat is compromised or incorrectly calibrated, it might cause the furnace to work poorly, resulting in cold air.

One way to determine if a faulty thermostat is causing the issue is by checking its batteries or power source. Older models might require replacement batteries, or they might need replacing altogether. It's essential to consult a licensed technician before purchasing a new thermostat to ensure it's compatible with your furnace.

Pilot Light or Ignition System Issue

A malfunctioning pilot light or ignition system can be another reason why your natural gas furnace is blowing cold air. The ignition system controls the flow of gas to the burners. If the ignition system or pilot light fails, the gas isn't igniting and won't produce heat, leaving you with cold air blowing from your furnace.

The pilot light is a small flame that burns continuously to ignite the furnace burners. If it goes out, the furnace won't be able to light the burners, resulting in cold air blowing from the vents. The ignition system is responsible for lighting the pilot light and controlling the gas flow to the burners. If the ignition system is faulty, the furnace won't produce heat, and cold air will be blown through the vents.

A furnace safety switch can also cause the pilot light to go out. If the safety switch tripped, it might shut off power to the furnace to prevent potential disasters. It's essential to consult a licensed technician to handle this switch, as interfering with it may compromise your safety.

Dirty Burners

Dirty burners inside your gas furnace can lead to the furnace blowing cold air. As the burners accumulate dirt and grime over time, it can make it difficult for the furnace to produce heat, ultimately leading to inefficiencies in your heating system.

Gas furnaces use burners to heat air and ducts to circulate the warm air throughout your home. Burners have small holes which release gas as they ignite. However, these holes can become clogged with dirt and debris over time, restricting gas flow through the burners. When the gas flow is reduced, the furnace cannot produce enough heat to warm your home, leaving you with cold air blowing out of your vents.

Dirty burners can also pose a risk. A clogged burner increases the risk of gas escaping, leading to gas leaks, fires or explosions.

Wrong Furnace Size

If your furnace is too small or too large for the space you're trying to heat, it can lead to various issues, ranging from uncomfortable temperatures to high energy bills. Having a licensed technician assess and recommend the right size of furnace can ensure your home is heated properly and efficiently.

If you're having difficulty keeping your home at a comfortable temperature or if you've noticed a spike in your energy bills, it could be because you have the wrong size of furnace. A too-small furnace won't be able to keep up with demand during extreme temperatures and will struggle to heat larger spaces. It means that certain areas of the house may remain cold while other parts get overly heated - not ideal.

On the other hand, a furnace that's too large for your home will overheat quickly and turn off before intended, costing more money in energy bills due to frequent start-ups and stop-off cycles.


In conclusion, several factors can contribute to a gas furnace blowing cold air. Dirty burners, wrong furnace size, and insufficient airflow can all impact your furnace's performance, leading to inadequate heating or cold air blasting through your home. Regular maintenance is vital for ensuring optimal performance from your system and for identifying any underlying issues before they get worse.

If you experience any problems with your furnace involving cold air, it is crucial to contact a licensed technician who will perform a professional assessment and provide the necessary repairs or replacements.

Top Reasons Why Furnaces Stop Working

Winter is here, meaning staying warm is of the utmost importance. A furnace that works efficiently and effectively is the key to ensuring that your home is a warm haven during the cold months. There's nothing worse than coming home to a house that's as cold as the outdoors, usually caused by a malfunctioning furnace.

The frustration can be overwhelming and can cause a great deal of inconvenience to home dwellers. Hence, knowing why furnaces stop working is crucial to prevent such situations.

In this guide, we will provide you with an overview of the top reasons why furnaces stop working. We will also discuss the importance of furnaces during winter and why ensuring they are working seamlessly is crucial.

Lack of Maintenance

Regular maintenance is essential to keep your furnace in top condition. It helps in identifying potential problems before they cause major breakdowns. During regular maintenance, professional technicians can detect and fix small issues before they escalate into major problems. It can result in significant savings in repair costs and can add life to your unit.

Regular maintenance also helps to keep your furnace running efficiently. A well-maintained furnace uses less energy, reduces your energy bills, and has less impact on the environment. It will also improve the indoor air quality of your home by reducing the amount of dust, debris, and pollutants in the air.

Simple Maintenance Tasks that Can Prevent Furnace Breakdowns

While some maintenance tasks require a professional technician, there are simple things you can do yourself to keep your furnace running efficiently. Here are some examples:

  • Replace Air Filters - Dirty air filters can cause furnace breakdowns. Replace them once a month during the winter season. Clean filters can help to improve airflow, reduce energy bills, and prolong the life of your furnace.
  • Clean the Unit - Clean the furnace regularly to remove any debris, dust, and dirt that may have accumulated on and around the unit. It can prevent overheating and improve operational efficiency.
  • Schedule Annual Professional Inspection - Always schedule an annual furnace inspection by a professional technician to ensure everything works smoothly.
  • Check the Thermostat - Ensure that your thermostat is working correctly. If not, replace it with a newer, more reliable model. A malfunctioning thermostat can cause your furnace to run constantly, depending on the thermostat's issue.

Thermostat Malfunction

A thermostat is a device that regulates your home's temperature, ensuring it remains at your desired temperature. It detects the temperature in your home and signals the furnace to turn on or off to keep the temperature constant. It also enables you to adjust and control the temperature with ease.

Symptoms of a Malfunctioning Thermostat

A malfunctioning thermostat can cause a lot of frustration and inconvenience by affecting the temperature inside your home. Here are some signs that could indicate a malfunctioning thermostat:

  • Inaccurate Temperature Control - If you set your thermostat at a certain temperature and your furnace doesn't respond, your thermostat might malfunction.
  • Constant Running - A faulty thermostat might cause your furnace to run constantly, even if the desired temperature has been reached.
  • Short Cycling - A malfunctioning thermostat may cause your furnace to continually turn on and off, which can cause unnecessary wear and tear on your unit.
  • No Heat - If your furnace doesn't produce heat or turn on, it could be due to a malfunctioning thermostat.

Importance of Replacing a Malfunctioning Thermostat

If you suspect your thermostat is malfunctioning, replacing it as soon as possible is essential. A malfunctioning thermostat can cause your furnace to run inefficiently, leading to higher energy bills and wear and tear on your unit. Replacing your thermostat with a newer, more reliable model can help prevent these issues and ensure that your furnace is regulating the temperature in your home effectively.

Pilot Light or Ignition Control Issues

A pilot light is a small flame that ignites the gas in your furnace. The pilot light's flame is a permanent light responsible for heating the thermocouple, which signals the valve to open, allowing gas to flow to the main burner.

Causes of Pilot Light Failure

Several factors, such as a blown-out pilot light or a faulty thermocouple, can cause pilot light failure. Here are some common causes:

  • Dirty Pilot Light - If the pilot light is dirty or clogged with debris, it may not function correctly.
  • Damaged Pilot Light - If the pilot light is damaged or worn out, it will not generate enough heat to open the gas valve.
  • Faulty Thermocouple - A faulty thermocouple can cause the pilot light to go out, preventing your furnace from igniting.

Overview of Ignition Control and Its Issues

Ignition control is responsible for managing the ignition sequence in your furnace. It starts by checking the thermostat setting and then initiates the ignition process by sending a signal to the gas valve. If the ignition control malfunctions, your furnace can fail to start or experience problems in the ignition sequence.

The issues with ignition control could result from several different factors. The most common causes of ignition control problems include faulty wiring, a malfunctioning fan limit switch, or a damaged control board.

Dirty or Clogged Air Filters

Air filters trap dust, debris, and other particles from circulating through your home's air. These filters play a crucial role in maintaining your indoor air quality and improving the efficiency of your heating and cooling system. The filter captures these impurities and helps prevent damage to your furnace by protecting it from dirt and debris.

Symptoms of Dirty or Clogged Air Filters

Dirty or clogged air filters can cause a variety of problems, including:

  • Uneven Heating - If the air filter is clogged, it can restrict airflow, causing uneven heating in your home.
  • Dust Buildup - You might notice more dust and debris buildup in your home if you have dirty air filters.
  • Overheating - When air filters are filthy, they block airflow to the furnace, causing it to overheat and potentially shut down.
  • Higher Energy Bills - A clogged air filter makes your furnace work harder, increasing energy bills.

Mechanical Wear and Tear

Furnaces are complex machines with hundreds of parts. Over time, these components can wear out, become damaged, or break down due to normal use and everyday wear and tear. Neglecting regular maintenance can also contribute to more significant mechanical problems in the long run.

Types of Mechanical Failures

Mechanical failures may occur due to factors such as age and lack of maintenance. These are some common types of mechanical failures:

  • Blower Fan Failures - The blower fan is an essential component in your furnace that pulls air from your home through the filter system and distributes it throughout your home. If the blower fan is worn out or damaged, it can lead to inefficient heating in your home.
  • Ignition System Failures - The ignition system controls the gas flow to your furnace's main burner and ignites it when necessary. If there is a problem with the ignition system or its components are worn out, it may cause your furnace to fail to ignite or have issues during ignition.
  • Loose Connections - Loose wiring connections can cause problems with various components within the furnace system, like switches and sensors, which may result in improper unit functioning.


Various factors, including dirty or clogged air filters, faulty wiring, damaged components, and mechanical wear and tear, can cause furnace problems. Regular maintenance is key to keeping your furnace in good working order. If you suspect that there may be an issue with your furnace, it's best to contact a professional HVAC technician for assistance. They can diagnose the problem and help you find a solution to get your furnace back up and running quickly.

Monday 3 April 2023

Do Furnace Humidifiers Really Work?

Do furnace humidifiers really work ? It is a question that many people ask, as there are so many different types of humidifiers on the market. Yes, furnace humidifiers work, and they can be a great way to add humidity to your home during winter. Humidifiers are a common household appliance that many people use to improve the air quality in their homes. There are many different types of humidifiers on the market, and each has its own benefits and drawbacks. Let’s explore the pros and cons of furnace humidifiers so you can decide if they’re the right type for your needs. What is A Furnace Humidifier? Winter in Canada may persist for almost six months or longer, and as a result of rising energy costs, Canadians are increasingly over-insulating their houses. The heat dries up the indoor air and drastically lowers the humidity level, which is significantly uncomfortable for the residents. Fortunately, furnace humidifiers provide a solution to this issue. A furnace humidifier is a type of humidifier that you can install onto your furnace. Built-in humidistats monitor the air’s humidity and only let the humidifier operate when the humidity falls below its predetermined level. It reduces the possibility of over-humidifying the house, which may result in walls and windows’ condensation, mould, and a hot, sweaty sensation for the residents. There are two main types of furnace humidifiers: steam and bypass. Steam humidifiers It produces humidity by heating water until it becomes steam. The steam is then distributed throughout the house via ductwork. Although adding moisture to your home’s air with steam is quite efficient, steam furnaces are more expensive to acquire and run. Bypass humidifiers It adds water to the furnace’s airstream, and the humidified air flows through your home’s ductwork. Since they lack motors, they depend on the furnace’s blower to add moisture to the air as it travels over the water panel and down the ductwork. Hence, they are only operational while the furnace is running. Bypass humidifiers are less expensive than steam models but are also less effective in output. How Do Furnace Humidifiers Work? Furnace humidifiers improve indoor air quality by releasing water vapour or steam into the furnace ductwork, distributed to various rooms through the vents. The humidistat regulates the amount of moisture released into the air, which turns the humidifier on and off to maintain the desired humidity level. Benefits of Furnace Humidifiers There are many benefits to using a furnace humidifier, including: Reduced static electricity:  Static electricity is caused by a build-up of electric charge on the surface of an object. When the humidity in the air is low, static electricity is more likely to occur. Adding moisture to the air with a furnace humidifier can reduce static electricity and make your home more comfortable. Prevents drying and cracking of wood: Wood is a hygroscopic material that absorbs and retains water from the air. When the air is too dry, wood can become cracked and damaged. Using a furnace humidifier can keep the air moist and prevent your wood floors, furniture, and trim from drying out and cracking. Reduces respiratory discomfort: Dry air can cause various respiratory problems, including nosebleeds, sinus infections, and bronchitis. By adding moisture to the air with a furnace humidifier, you can reduce these respiratory problems and make it easier to breathe. Prevention of dry skin and noses: Dry air can cause your skin and nasal passages to dry, leading to discomfort. Adding moisture to the air can prevent these problems and keep your skin and nasal passages healthy. Eases congestion: Dry air can make congestion worse. By adding moisture to the air with a furnace humidifier, you can alleviate congestion and make it easier to breathe. Drawbacks of Furnace Humidifiers There are some potential drawbacks to using a furnace humidifier, including: Condensation: If the air is too moist, it can lead to condensation on walls and windows. It can damage your home and create an ideal environment for mould growth. Water spots: Moisture in the air can cause water spots on surfaces such as windows, mirrors, and countertops. Increased energy costs: Running a humidifier will increase your energy costs. Maintenance: Furnace humidifiers require regular cleaning and maintenance to prevent mould and bacteria growth. Conclusion Furnace humidifiers are a great way to improve the indoor air quality of your home and reduce static electricity, respiratory problems, and congestion. However, they have some potential drawbacks that you should be aware of before purchasing one. The system does work and can provide many benefits. If you want to install a furnace humidifier, weigh the pros and cons to decide if it’s right. For furnace humidifier installation, contact Furnace Repair Toronto for a free consultation.
The post Do Furnace Humidifiers Really Work? appeared first on Furnace Repair Toronto | 24 Hour Emergency Heating.

Whole House Humidifier VS Portable Humidifier

It’s no secret that a whole-house humidifier is the best way to keep your home’s humidity at the correct level. But did you know that there are different types of whole-house humidifiers and that not all are equal? In this article, we will compare and contrast the two most popular types of whole house humidifiers- a whole house humidifier vs a portable humidifier. What Is A Whole-House Humidifier? A whole-house humidifier is a type of humidifier installed directly into your home’s HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) system. Whole-house humidifiers can be either central humidifiers or console humidifiers. Central humidifiers are permanently installed into your HVAC system and require professional installation, while console humidifiers are portable units that can be moved from room to room as needed. Whole-house humidifiers add moisture to the air as it circulates through your home’s HVAC system. We usually place a whole-home dehumidifier in your basement and work with your forced-air HVAC system. This effective gadget removes the surplus moisture in your indoor air as it travels through the heating and cooling return ductwork. The dehumidifier turns the moisture into liquid, draining it into a sink or floor drain. After that, the dryer air is pumped once again through your rooms. This humidifier is the most efficient and effective way to keep your house at the correct humidity level. What Is A Portable Humidifier? A portable humidifier is a type of humidifier that can be moved from room to room as needed. Portable humidifiers are small and compact, making them easy to move around. They are often used in rooms that do not have a whole-house humidifier installed or in addition to a whole-house humidifier to provide extra moisture in a specific room. Portable humidifiers work by adding moisture to the air in a specific room. You can use them to target dry problem areas in your home, such as a nursery or bedroom. Portable dehumidifiers use a fan to draw in air that is too humid. Comparable to an AC system, the air is forced over coils cooled by a refrigerant. Most of the moisture in the air is condensed when the cold coils cool it. The humidity content is now a liquid stored in a drip pan or detachable container, which you must typically empty by hand. Portable humidifiers come in various shapes and sizes. Many even have cool mist options for added comfort. How to Choose The Best Humidifier? Now that you know the difference between whole-house and portable humidifiers, it’s time to choose the best humidifier for your home. Consider the following factors when making your decision: The size of your home: If you have a large house, a whole-house humidifier will be more effective at evenly distributing moisture throughout your home. A portable humidifier will be sufficient if you have a smaller home or live in an apartment. The climate you live in: If you live in an area with high humidity, a whole-house dehumidifier is an excellent option to help remove excess moisture from the air. A whole-house humidifier will help add moisture to the air if you live in an area with low humidity. Your budget: Whole-house humidifiers are typically more expensive than portable humidifiers. A portable humidifier is a good option if you are on a budget. Your needs: A portable humidifier is the best option if you are looking for a humidifier to use in specific rooms or for specific needs, such as a nursery or bedroom. A whole-house humidifier is the best option if you are looking for a humidifier throughout your home. Conclusion Both whole-house and portable humidifiers have their pros and cons, but which one is the best choice for you depends on your needs. If you have a large home, live in an area with low humidity, or are looking for a humidifier throughout your home, a whole-house humidifier is the best option. A portable humidifier is a good option if you have a smaller house or live in an area with high humidity. Consider your needs and budget when making your decision to choose the best humidifier for your home. Contact Furnace Repair Toronto for whole-home comfort solutions. Our whole-house humidifier installation services will help you achieve and maintain the perfect humidity level in your home all winter!
The post Whole House Humidifier VS Portable Humidifier appeared first on Furnace Repair Toronto | 24 Hour Emergency Heating.

Saturday 25 March 2023

How Much Do High-Efficiency Gas Furnaces Cost

Are you in the market for a more energy-efficient heater this winter? If so, high-efficiency gas furnaces are an attractive option to consider. Not only do they help reduce your monthly utility bills, but they also provide greater accuracy and comfort in controlling temperatures throughout your home. But with all these benefits, what should you expect when it comes to cost?

In this blog post, we'll discuss why high-efficiency furnaces can be worth the additional upfront fees and how much one can realistically expect to pay to install a home furnace.

Cost Factors

Regarding the cost of a high-efficiency gas furnace, several factors will determine the price. The size of your home and the furnace needed to heat it, installation costs, efficiency rating, and even brand name can all affect how much you pay for your new heating system. Let's look at each factor more closely.


The size of your home and the furnace needed to adequately heat it is one of the primary factors that affect cost. Generally, larger homes require larger furnaces with higher BTUs (British Thermal Units). A unit with too many BTUs could be wasteful, leading to costly energy bills. In contrast, a unit with insufficient BTUs will not adequately heat your home, making you uncomfortable during cold winter.

The size of an existing replacement furnace also impacts, as larger units can mean additional ductwork or minor renovations that need to be done before installation, which will add additional costs.

Installation Costs

Installation costs vary greatly depending on several factors, like whether you are replacing an existing unit or installing in a new build, the level of complexity needed for installation and materials used during the process, etc. When purchasing a new furnace, it's best practice to get several quotes from experienced HVAC professionals to know you are getting a fair price for your new unit on installation day.

Quality professionals don't typically cut corners when doing installations as this could compromise safety and performance in the future, so make sure that any quotes received include all labour, materials and permit fees associated with the installation before making your purchase decision.

Efficiency Rating

The efficiency rating of the furnace you select will also impact its overall cost. High-efficiency furnaces typically carry a higher price tag than their standard counterparts. Still, they are more energy efficient and can save you money in the long run by reducing your energy costs.

Efficiency is measured by AFUE (annual fuel utilization efficiency), which represents the percentage of usable energy contained in natural gas or other fuels versus what is wasted while producing heat. The minimum legal AFUE rating for gas furnaces is 80%. Still, modern high-efficiency models can reach upwards of 98%, giving them a much higher purchase cost than standard units with lower ratings.

Brand Name

The brand name can be a factor when it comes to furnace costs. Bigger industry names such as Trane, Carrier, or Lennox often come with higher price tags due to increased overhead costs associated with advertising and product development compared to smaller independent brands that may be able to offer you discounted rates on similar products without sacrificing quality or warranty coverage.

It's always worth researching and shopping for competitive pricing before deciding on any big-ticket item like a furnace.

Average Cost Range

The cost of a high-efficiency gas furnace can vary greatly depending on several factors, including size, installation costs, efficiency rating, and even brand name. On average, installation for a high efficiency gas furnace can range from $2,000 to $6,000, with higher-end models and additional add-ons pushing that figure even higher. Let's take a closer look at what goes into this cost.

Labour Costs

Labour is probably the largest component in the final purchase price of your new furnace and will depend on the scope of work required. Generally, you can expect labour costs to range anywhere from $400 to over 1,000 depending on the installation's complexities, like running new ductwork or opening walls to access existing pipe runs, etc. It's always important to ask your HVAC contractor exactly what their labour charges include before agreeing on any work so that you are both on the same page when it comes time for payment.

Materials Costs

Materials are the second largest portion of the cost for a gas furnace installation behind labour costs. These will include all parts necessary for the job, like sheet metal returns and supplies for vented systems, venting materials for gas piping, and other related components necessary for a successful and safe installation.

Material pricing varies widely depending on items purchased, so it's best practice to get quotes from several vendors or purchase them directly if allowed by your HVAC professional to ensure you are getting value in this portion of the job.

Tips For Saving Money On Your Furnace Purchase

Buying a furnace can be an expensive proposition, but there are ways you can save money on your purchase. Here are some tips to remember when shopping for your new furnace.

Shop around

Shopping around with multiple vendors is one of the best ways to ensure you get the best possible deal. Get bids from a few different places and compare prices and any applicable discounts, warranties or other additional services offered by each vendor to ensure you're getting the most bang for your buck. Don't be afraid to ask questions and look for special promotions like free installation or discounted parts, which could help you save even more!

Look out for Promotions

Manufacturers and HVAC professionals often run promotional offers or sales on certain units during peak times of the year, so it pays to stay aware of these opportunities and take advantage wherever possible! These promotions may include discounts on parts, rebates, giveaways or even free installation, so always check if any such deals are available when making your purchase decision.

Consider Buying Used

Another great way to save money on purchasing a new furnace is to consider looking at used models sold by reputable dealers who offer proper documentation and warranty coverage. Buying used can provide substantial savings without sacrificing quality if handled correctly, so this option might be worth exploring before splurging on a brand-new unit.


Buying a new furnace can be a daunting and expensive task. Still, with proper research, comparison shopping, and taking advantage of any promotional offers, it is possible to save money on the purchase. Ensure you understand all associated costs and make an informed decision based on value rather than looking for the lowest cost option, as this could negatively impact performance or reliability in the long run.

Finally, always consult with an HVAC technician who is knowledgeable and experienced before making any final purchases so that you are armed with all of the necessary information to make an educated decision. With these tips in mind, you can confidently move forward in your purchase, knowing that you have made the best choice for your wallet and home comfort needs!

Friday 24 March 2023

Reasons Why A Furnace Makes Humming Noise When Off

Do you ever find yourself lying in bed, and the house is quiet and dark? Then suddenly, you hear a faint humming coming from the depths of your furnace. It might sound uneasy but don't worry. It's probably just your furnace. But why does it make that noise when it isn't even running? Chances are, there could be a variety of underlying causes to this phenomenon. From loose wiring to aging parts within the heat exchanger, understanding why your furnace makes a humming noise when off can help prevent more severe problems from arising down the road.

So let's take an in-depth look at why the mysterious heating system hums and whines so you can get back to counting sheep without any worries!

Loose Parts

Loose parts inside the system can often cause the hum that may be heard when your furnace is off. Loose parts such as motors, fan blades, or belts can vibrate and create a low humming sound that is hard to ignore. If you have ever heard a high-pitched noise from your furnace, it's likely due to some loose part.

For example, if a fan blower motor mount becomes worn out or begins to separate from the frame, it can cause an irritating vibration that resonates throughout your house. The same type of issue can occur with belts too. If they become loose or stretch out over time, they will create extra tension on the other system components and cause them to vibrate, leading to a humming sound when the furnace is off.

Blower Motor Issues

Another common reason your furnace may be making a humming noise when it is off is due to issues with the blower motor. If the motor mounting brackets are worn or corroded, they can cause vibrations in the system, which lead to a humming sound. Additionally, if the bearings in the blower motor become worn down, they may not be able to keep up with the demands of your system and will create extra vibration.

It's important to remember that any extra tension put on the blower motor, such as a clogged air filter, will also contribute towards increased vibrations and humming noises coming from your furnace when it's off. It's best practice to check your air filter every month and replace it if necessary.

In addition, having an HVAC technician inspect your blower motor once per year is recommended to ensure everything is running smoothly and not causing any additional problems.

Failing Ignitor

A third potential cause of humming noises from your furnace when it is off could be a faulty or failing ignitor. The ignitor is the component responsible for lighting the gas burner inside your furnace, and if it fails, it can create a humming sound. It can occur due to wear and tear over time or due to dirt or debris clogging up the part and preventing it from functioning properly.

To check the condition of your ignitor, you'll need to shut off power to the system and disconnect any electrical connections for safety precautions. Once this has been done, you'll need to remove the access panel on the side of your furnace so that you can inspect the ignitor for any dirt or buildup.

It's also important to note that if you're hearing a loud banging noise from your furnace instead of a hum when it is turned off, this can also indicate an issue with the ignitor.

Clogged Air Filter

A clogged air filter is one of the most common causes of a low hum or buzzing sound coming from your furnace when it is off. The air filter, located in the return duct of your system, plays an important role in preventing dust and debris from entering the blower motor and damaging its operation.

However, the air filter can become clogged with dirt and grime over time, leading to restricted airflow. This lack of proper airflow can cause extra stress on the blower motor, resulting in a low humming noise from the furnace when it is off.

The best way to prevent this issue is to check your air filter regularly, at least once monthly, and replace it if necessary. It's also important to use the right size filter for your system. An ill-fitting air filter can create additional problems, such as increased energy bills or even damage to components within your furnace.

Thermostat Problems

Although it may not be the most common cause, thermostat problems can also contribute to a humming noise from your furnace when it is off. If the thermostat is not calibrated correctly or has an outdated battery, then this can lead to a low hum emitted as the furnace attempts to work. Additionally, if you have recently had any electrical work done around your home, this could also have caused an issue with your thermostat's wiring and led to humming.

To check whether or not your thermostat is causing the humming sound, you'll need to look at its settings first to see if there are any faults within the thermostat, such as an old battery or incorrect calibration. You must address this before pinpointing any other causes of your furnace's noise. If possible, try replacing the thermostat altogether, as faulty circuitry in older models may only become more problematic over time.


It's important to remember that regular maintenance of your furnace and its components are paramount for avoiding any potential issues. It includes checking the air filter, ignitor, and thermostat every month and replacing worn-out components to prevent future problems.

Additionally, if you experience any low humming noise from your furnace when it has been turned off, you may need to investigate further into the cause of this sound. Checking the air filter, electrical components such as ignitors, and even the thermostat can help you identify what is causing the noise and address it. It's, therefore, essential to carry out routine checks to ensure that your furnace is running effectively and efficiently all year round.

Wednesday 22 March 2023

How to Install Return Air Duct in Wall

Installing a return air duct in your wall is an essential step in ensuring that your home's air quality is as good as it can be. It's a job that you can do yourself with a few simple tools and some know-how. But, how to install return air duct in wall? In this how-to guide, we'll walk you through the steps involved in installing a return air duct in your wall, so you can get the job done right.

What is A Return Air Duct?

A return air duct is a duct that is used to return air to a furnace or air conditioner. The returned air is typically warmer than the air supplied to your house's rooms, so it helps to improve the efficiency of your heating and cooling system.

The air would not adequately circulate without a return air duct, resulting in higher energy expenses. The primary "duct" in return air ducts often flows back toward the heating system via ceiling joist voids. These joist gaps are exact ducts that exit into the furnace's side after running adjacent to the joists.

Why Install A Return Air Duct?

There are many benefits to installing a return air duct, including:

  • Improved air quality: By returning air to your furnace or air conditioner, you can improve the air quality in your home.
  • Increased efficiency: Return air ducts help to increase the efficiency of your heating and cooling system by allowing the air to circulate properly.
  • Lower energy costs: By improving the efficiency of your heating and cooling system, you can lower your energy costs.

How to Determine Where to Install Your Return Air Duct

You may think that a return duct should be placed directly across from the supply vents since its job is to draw air back into the system. Both halves of this statement are accurate. Yes, this would be a successful arrangement, but this isn't the only way to achieve it.

It would be more than possible to install a return duct in every room with a supply vent, but this isn't always the greatest option. It would be best to avoid placing return ducts in kitchens or bathrooms. Cooking moisture and smell would then easily move throughout the heating and air system as a result of this. It would be a cause for catastrophe and unpleasant odours.

The situation might be a little more complicated in two-story houses, but generally speaking, you should put the return as near as possible to the thermostat. The thermostat will be able to track and measure the temperature cycled back through the system if you follow this basic rule of thumb. The thermostat is also often positioned in a central location.

You may gather temperature and circulation measurements from every area by centralizing the return duct and thermostat. However, not all house designs may benefit from this configuration. Installing returns in every house room, except the kitchen and bathrooms, may be required under these circumstances.

Steps on How to Install Return Air Duct in Wall

Installing a return air duct is fairly simple and can be done in just a few steps. Here's how:

Identify where to place your return air duct.

Determine the location of the return air ducts where you wish to install your return air grille, and create a low hole in the drywall. Be careful not to cut any electrical wires or pipes in the wall while installing new return registers in an old home.

Before continuing, make a little hole in the wall with your hands to inspect the inside. The hole should be the proper size for the screen. Cut through the floor via the gap. You should now have a hole in the area between the basement ceiling joists. Perform the procedure again until you achieve the desired number of return air holes. Except for the bathroom, each room should contain at least one.

Start placing the panning.

Fill the holes with wood screws and washers. The goal is to make it so that the screen is completely covered. Place the panning over each hole.

Securely attach each piece of panning by driving in nails or screws around the perimeter, about every eight inches. If you're using screws, be sure to also use washers to make sure you install them correctly.

Create a cover for the new ductwork.

Install the joist-perpendicular square return air duct. Take the time to make sure that it's level and plumb. The goal is for the new ductwork to be completely hidden, so be sure to create a cover that will blend in with the rest of your home's décor.

You can use anything from fabric to wood to metal to create a cover for your new ductwork. Whichever material you choose, be sure to attach it securely so that it doesn't come loose and cause any damage.

Connect the new air return duct to the furnace.

Now that the new ductwork is in place, it's time to connect it to the furnace. The easiest way to do this is to use a flexible air duct. If you're not comfortable doing this yourself, you can always hire a professional to do it for you.

Add the air filter.

The final step is to add the air filter. It will help keep your home's air quality high and prevent dust or dirt from getting into the ductwork.

Be sure to check the air filter regularly and replace it as needed. Depending on your filter type, you may need to replace it every few months or so.


Installing a return air duct in your wall is a simple process you can do in just a few steps. By taking the time to do it yourself, you can save money and ensure that your home's air quality is as good as it can be. You can also hire an HVAC professional to do it for you if you're not comfortable doing it yourself. Expert technicians at Furnace Repair Toronto will be more than happy to help you out.